Meet the Team


Dr Emily Winters (Female)
Dr Rajesh Kumar (Male)

Dr Miten Ruparelia (Male)
Dr Manoharan Rajkumar (Male)

Dr Ahmed Balogun (Male)

Dr Adeolu Adebayo (Female)

Dr Stella Mugisa (Female)

Dr Kavya Nair (Female)

Dr A Maye (Female) – Retainer GP


Mrs Stephanie Leeder (Female)

Nurse Practitioner

Nurse Lydia Forster (Female)

Nurse Emily Williams (Female)

Healthcare Assistants

Mrs Sharon Ridge (Female)

Mrs Clare Anderson (Female)

Mrs Heather Allen (Female)

Practice Management

Mrs Linda Wickham (Female)

Mrs Vanessa Hurling (Female)


Our team of receptionists has been specially trained to help you. Their job is often difficult, but if you tell them clearly what you require they will do their best to help. When asking for medical attention the receptionists may ask for a few details. They have been trained to make these enquiries so that we can help you in the most appropriate way. They have a difficult job to do – so please be a little understanding!

Dispensing Team – Weldon

We have a team of Dispensers at our Branch site in Weldon who are specially trained in Dispensing and can offer dispensing services to patients within the permitted boundary area.

Attached Staff

Rose McCallum

Health Visitor

Community Nurses

Can be contacted through the practice

Mrs Linda Concannon

Community Midwife